I imagine now that it’s two days before Christmas, you might be bracing yourself for a final trip to a store to buy one more gift or two. I’ve certainly done that many times in the past, despite the Christmas rule-breaking skills I’ve developed.
Before you head out on that errand, consider a few things I just learned from this Grist article:
- One study found three-fourths of Americans feeling the holidays are too materialistic.Of U.S. adults who receive gifts during the holidays, 83% receive unwanted items.
- Three-fourths of U.S. garages are too full of stuff to fit a car on in.
- The U.S. has 3.1% of the world’s children, but 40% of its toys.
To turn Nike’s slogan upside down (or right side out?), I suggest that when it comes to buying yet another gift, we just don’t do it.
My husband Thor and I are putting our energy this year into hosting a Christmas dinner for ten: friends, and family of friends. We’ll cook and talk and laugh — with no gifts involved, at least, not physical ones. Thor and I are exchanging a few gifts in the morning; I’m not opposed to all gifts. I’m saying that when it comes to the compulsion for buying yet more gifts, we can choose to just not do it.

December 26, 2012
We made each other gifts and it was so lovely! Handmade, useful things. A family treat.
December 24, 2012
Sometimes when you”re really lucky, you can just turn to the lover/spouse or friends that you’re with and see the real gifts in your life.