Diamond-Cut Life

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This Place Called Oregon

September 22nd, 2010 by Alison · 1 Comment · nature, Oregon

I’ve been merrily preparing for my 50th birthday party, which will take place November 13th and includes my singing in a rock band with friends new and old.  Here is one of the songs we’re performing — I like writing new lyrics to existing melodies. Feel free to sing and otherwise use the below (please just use the Creative Commons principle of attributing, in this case to Alison Wiley).2857852001_53ba30376f

This Place Called Oregon (to the tune of  John Denver’s Take Me Home, Country Roads)

Almost heaven, this place called Oregon

Cascade Mountains, rugged coast, high deserts

They say that in the old days, the salmon ran so fast

You could cross the Columbia River, walking on their backs.


I say this land, it shapes our souls

I’m not the one   who’s in control

A greater hand guides earth and sky

And weaves together  you and I.

Verse 2

Not for me, enormous cities

I prefer a governor   in cowboy boots and blue jeans.

The Eastern seaboard, with concrete it is filled

But in this place called Oregon the Wild West lives on still.       4964180327_1eebd4fe86


I feel her gaze  when I’m hiking in the Gorge

She Who Watches lives outside the place that we call time

Plant your feet into the earth and let them put down roots

To join her in your mind

Across time                          (back to chorus)


Columbia Gorge photo courtesy of ~MV1~ (gaga over Mondo Marcos)

She Who Watches photo courtesy of Michael Klaas

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